The Final Confession: The Birth of The Cursed King Zahhak’s Tale

The Final Confession

Finally, we’re alone. I managed to have you all to myself, and I captured your eyes and attention every time you listened to a word from this story. This will be the last story you’ll ever hear from me because I’m on the brink of death. I only have hours left in this life. I don’t know exactly how many, but I know they are few. Still, they should be enough for me to tell you everything I have to say, so you are aware. But everyone who hears what I’m about to say will meet their fate with death. Even so, don’t be afraid because, believe me, even if you die after hearing my words, you’ll die content. And who in this time can die content? 

Who Am I?

Who am I, and why? How do I know all this? I know all these questions are running through your mind, and you might even be thinking about closing the article and continuing your life. But I assure you, it doesn’t matter if you watch the article till the end or if you just started and didn’t finish the introduction; they will kill everyone. But if my message is fully delivered, there might be a chance of survival. As for me, I’m certain I’ll die soon. They will break into my room and finish me off, and I’ll disappear from the face of the earth as if I never existed. Let’s not waste time with explanations and nonsense and start immediately because my time is limited.

You will learn many things from my words, and you will deny many of them. Some of it you will like, and some of it you will hate. But let me tell you something important: I will never lie to you. I will tell you the truth that no one has given you before. I will teach you secrets you are not supposed to know, and I hope you listen to my words fully because, in the end, the reason for my death is delivering this message to you. If I lied to you, they would have rewarded me like they rewarded everyone else. All the characters mentioned in this story are real, with their humans, soldiers, and demons. Most of the events mentioned are based on real incidents and facts. Note: This story will be divided into several parts due to its length, and it should be noted that I will narrate the story in my own style.

The Cursed Card Game

Now, I know you get bored quickly, so I invented a card game that we will play, you and I. But these cards are not like regular cards or tarot cards; these are of a different kind, a cursed kind. The most important thing about them is their order because if they are arranged incorrectly, they will just be worthless cards. But if they are arranged correctly, as we will arrange them, they will open doors of secrets that no one has told you before. Dangerous secrets that will get anyone who knows them killed or burned if they learn or teach them.

Now, I will place 13 sets of cards in front of you. Each set will tell a story and reveal a secret they want to hide from you. And to make sure I keep you interested, I will present each story…

The first card has a picture of a demon, clearly in a state of madness from anger. The second card is the card of earth magic, specifically, and it has a picture of light emanating from the ground after breaking several rocks around it. The third card is the card of air magic, with a wizard casting a spell in the air. The fourth card is the card of absolute power, with a picture of a man’s fist wearing a large golden ring. The fifth card has a picture of idols, but it looks like someone has smashed them. The sixth and final card is the card of the hammer, with a picture of a strong man, specifically a blacksmith, holding a massive hammer and waving it with anger and rage. Now, even if you forget these pictures and cards, you will remember them clearly as I present the first story and the first secret.

The Birth of Zahhak

More than 4000 years ago, the earth was different, and the sky was different. Anyone could look at the pond they were walking by and see the fish and shells in it clearly, as if they were seeing birds in the sky. I forgot to tell you, an old man was tending his sheep and looked tired, so he decided to rest under a tree where he had left his food. When he reached the tree, he saw that the food was open, of course. Who else but the poor thieves come and steal every day? He kept saying that if they asked him, he would have given them, so he didn’t understand why they stole. But the old man noticed that the food was not really missing, just a very small amount.

The demons were smiling a yellow smile, a smile only a demon can make, and they were chanting something incomprehensible in our language. The strange thing is that the demons were present despite all the blue beads, garlic, and saffron everywhere to ward off evil spirits. Suddenly, everyone went silent, and the old sheikh, or as they call him in Babylon, the “Mahil,” began to speak. “Today, humanity and the earth are honored with the birth of the male child who will bear the name of the great king. The family has decided to name him Zahhak.” At that moment, the happy voices erupted at the announcement made by the sheikh. But wait, the name Zahhak didn’t have a nice meaning. In the Babylonian language, it meant “the biting serpent.” Speaking of serpents, the sound of the demons’ laughter turned into a hissing sound between their teeth, a happy demonic hiss.

Semiramis and the Nineveh Market

She descended from the sky with such beauty that he started thinking to himself that he was just a shepherd and that the place for such a jewel was not among the dilapidated walls he lived in. He thought the gods surely had a better place prepared for this girl. At that moment, an idea struck the old man, which he thought was great. He thought that tomorrow, the great Nineveh market would open, coinciding with the marriage season held annually in Babylon. In this place, young men and women from all over the Assyrian kingdom would gather, and each young man would choose a bride that suited him. The old man’s plan was to take Semiramis to the Nineveh market and see what would happen. Indeed, the next morning, the old man, carrying Semiramis on his shoulder, walked to the market.

Semiramis’s Charm

The old man was wearing his best clothes, but he still looked like a beggar in the middle of the market because everyone there was competing to win the admiration of the girls. As for Semiramis, she laughed a charming laugh that captivated everyone in the market, and everyone started asking themselves how a beggar could carry such a jewel in his hands. At the same time, Sima, the person who buys horses for the king, was walking through the market. He was looking for the best new horses to buy for the king. While walking, his eyes caught sight of the little girl Semiramis. I can tell you that Sima forgot about the horses, the king, and everything else and remembered only one thing: that he was barren and could not have children.

Zahhak’s Encounter with the Old Man

Let me describe him to you: he was an old man, most of his teeth were missing, and a few long, curly hairs were sticking out of his ears. He was wearing an old, black robe. The old man was heading towards the platform, limping as he walked. When he reached the marble platform, it was clear that the naked girls weren’t happy to see him, judging by their looks. As for Zahhak, he looked at him calmly and said in a confident and mocking tone, “How did this mangy creature get in here?” The old man looked at him with strange, glimmering eyes and said in a voice that sounded like a snake’s hiss, “I limped past many guards dressed in armor, laughing and standing as if birds could perch on their bellies. They said they were guarding the son of Kush the Great. I got curious to see who Kush’s son was, and unfortunately, when I saw him, I found him sitting like a mule among the women, neither sharpening a sword nor preparing a spear.” At that moment, the naked girls put their hands on their hearts, the guards tensed up, and Zahhak, in a flash, snatched a spear from a guard standing next to him and threw it expertly into the old man’s heart.

Semiramis’s Rise

Now we are in Babylon, but away from the royal palaces because we are currently in the outskirts. Honestly, even the outskirts were more beautiful back then because even the village buildings were truly lovely. Anyway, let’s not stray too far from the story. In this village, a royal envoy had arrived to inform the villagers of the king’s lengthy orders. Don’t be surprised; kings have always had many demands, that’s nothing new. Unsi, the royal advisor, was explaining the orders to the people, and Sima, responsible for the king’s horses, was also there. There was tension because of the orders, and the villagers were silent, listening, until they heard the sound of a horse galloping from afar. The sound of the horse was getting closer quickly, and everyone turned swiftly to see where the sound was coming from. The royal envoy also looked, annoyed because the sound interrupted them. You might not believe me, but in a single moment, the tense, cold atmosphere turned into a happy and warm one because what they saw was a black horse with a rider. But this rider was different from all the other riders.

Returning to our story, I want to ask you something. Have you ever felt anger and hatred so intense that you felt your veins could explode with rage? If you have, then you can imagine Zahhak’s anger at this moment. When the spear hit the old man and he fell to the ground with a thud, Zahhak was still standing, holding the spear and staring at the old man’s eyes, which were strangely still glimmering. He felt like the old man’s eyes were mocking him even in death. He bent down and grabbed the old man’s hand, intending to cut it off with his sword, but suddenly, the old man whispered, “My son Zahhak, you might not believe it, but I’m not just an old man. I’m a demon, and now I’m inside you. You will carry me for the rest of your life.” Zahhak’s anger reached its peak, and he started screaming and trying to shake off the old man’s hand, but the old man continued to speak, “You will become the greatest king this land has ever seen, but your kingdom will be built on the blood of innocents and the suffering of the weak.”

From that day on, Zahhak’s life changed forever. He started hearing voices in his head, whispers from the old man, now a demon residing inside him. The voices would guide him, give him strength, but also torment him with their incessant presence. Zahhak’s kingdom grew, his power became absolute, but so did his madness. The people of his kingdom lived in fear, not only of their king but of the demonic presence they could feel whenever they were near him. Zahhak’s once bright eyes now had a sinister glow, a constant reminder of the demon within.

The Legacy of Zahhak

Zahhak’s reign of terror continued for years, but as with all tyrants, his downfall was inevitable. The whispers of rebellion grew louder, and the people, tired of living in fear, began to rise against him. Zahhak fought fiercely, but the demon inside him was growing weaker. In the final battle, as Zahhak stood alone against the rebels, the demon’s voice was nothing more than a faint whisper. Zahhak fell, and with his death, the demon’s hold on the kingdom was broken.

Zahhak’s story became a legend, a tale told to warn future generations of the dangers of power and the darkness that can reside within. The kingdom, now free from Zahhak’s tyranny, began to rebuild, but the scars of his reign remained. The people spoke of the demon-king, the one who had been consumed by his own power and the dark forces he had unleashed.

The Truth

Now, you know the first secret. The story of Zahhak is not just a tale from the past; it’s a warning. Power can corrupt, and the darkness within us can grow if we let it. But remember, knowledge is power, and with this knowledge, you can protect yourself and those you care about. The cards have revealed their first secret, but there are many more to come.

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